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Identifying, attracting and raising butterflies. Behaviours, habitats and diet.


"A total of 116 butterfly species have so far been recorded for Western Australia." Hay et al, 1994. The Department of Parks and Wildlife have produced a Butterfly Identification Chart of the most commonly found species in and around Perth. In addition, the book, Bring Back the Butterflies. Butterfly Gardening for Western Australians, by the Western Australian Insect Study Society Inc. and the Western Australian Museum, is a must-read. With 6 pages of identification charts containing more than 70 photographs of Western Australian native butterflies. The book also provides diagrams of 10 common caterpillars and pupae found in Western Australia. 




























Hay, R., Houston, T., Williams, R. & Williams, M. 1994. Bring back the butterflies: butterfly gardening for Western Australians. (edited by Terry F. Houston on behalf of the Western Australian Insect Study Society). Published by the Western Australian Museum.



Other useful websites include:


Online Identification Tool. Butterfly Conservation South Australia Inc


Behind the scenes of WA Museum Butterfly Collection.


Butterfly House, Butterflies of Australia "Australia is home to about 400 species of butterflies from five families".


Western Australian Insect Study Society Inc. The Western Australian Insect Study Society provides a medium for interchange between people interested in insects. Its aim is to promote the study of insects, particularly those native to Western Australia, for personal enjoyment and the advancement of knowledge.


Butterfly Conservation South Australia Inc. Promoting the conservation & sound management of sites of ecological significance to butterflies. Including information on how to raise butterflies. Although a South Australian website, the online identification tool does include a number of butterflies that are also found in the South-West of Western Australia and allows the user to print out comprehensive information sheets. 



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